The great puppet theatre


Writen by:
  • Gustavo Bicalho
Directed by:
  • Gustavo Bicalho
  • André Millions
  • André Pimentel
  • Diogo Fujimura
  • Marcos Guilhon
  • Marise Nogueira
  • Oscar Fabião
  • Virgínia Martins
The play brings the idea of a vampire who is in love with the dawn. The play’s primary sources of reference are the classic “Nosferatu”, from F.W.Murnau and “The Theatre du Grand-Guignol”- a traditional theater genre in France at the end of the 19th century, a mix of horror and variety.

It employs a contemporary approach to the theme, making use of visual effects and original songs.

In this fantastic drama, Ulpir, the vampire, tries to rescue his human dimension and falls in love with the young Aurora. Louis, the cinematographer, brings up the memory of the tragic encounter him and the vampire had when they ended up nurturing a desire for the same lady and the immortality.

The show was the first one that was entirely developed by Artesanal in surround system 7:1.

Rated R
Creative Staff:
Music director: Daniel Belquer
Original score: Alexandre Bräutigam
Sound designer: Alexandre Bräutigam and Daniel Belquer
Movement director: Paulo Mazzoni
Light designer: Jorginho de Carvalho
Costume design and props: Fernanda Sabino and Henrique Gonçalves
Makeup artist: Mona Magalhães
Set design and set props by: Karlla de Luca
Mask: Marise Nogueira
History researcher: José Caminha
Assistant light designer: Pedro Forjaz.
Light operator: Rodrigo Belay
Assistant light operators: Daniel Galvan, Luis Oliva and Felipe Medeiros
Sound operator: Fernanda Sabino
Costume pattern cutter: Glória Tranjan
Seamstress: Zeny Gonçalves
Shoemaker: Ernesto Spain
Iron sculpture artist: João Bardavid
Set builder: Antônio Ronaldo
Marketing Team:
Graphic designer: Maurício Grecco
Photographer: Jackeline Nigri
PR: Evandro Rius
Media agency: Slapt! Produções
Production Staff:
Production manager: Henrique Gonçalves
Producer: Marta Paiva
Year of production: Artesanal Cia. de Teatro/2010

The light design by Jorginho de Carvalho is very expressive, and it contributes decisively to highlight the multiple emotional games of the play.

Lionel Ficher / Critique/Review