Don Giovanni


Writen by:
  • Gustavo Bicalho
Directed by:
  • Gustavo Bicalho
  • Henrique Gonçalves
  • César Amorim
  • Cid Borges
  • Daniela Cavanellas
  • Edeilton Medeiros
  • Isabel Azevedo
  • Kátia Kamello
  • Nilton Marques
Don Giovanni is a free adaptation of Mozart’s Opera. Loyal to Lorenzo da Ponte’s Libretto, the play kept the opera’s universal spirit working as a comedy of customs. The songs by Mozart are used incidentally and they are all played and sung live by the actors. In this adaptation, Don Juan, the famous romantic conqueror from the Spanish literature presented by Tirso de Molina, was turned into a kiss collector.

Rated G
Creative Staff:
Music by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Musical director and vocal coach: Débora Garcia
Movement director: Paulo Mazzoni
Acting coach: Lorena da Silva
Light designer: Alexandre Nazareth
Costume design and props: Fernanda Sabino and Henrique Gonçalves
Make-up artist: Nilton Marques
Set design, masks and set props: Karlla de Luca
Assistant light designer and operator: Poliana Pinheiro
Costume pattern cutter: Paulo Cesar de Andrade
Seamstresses: Célia Soares and Zeny Gonçalves
Shoemaker: Aluisio Domingos
Set builder: Roberto de Luca
Marketing Team:
Banner designer: Wagner Zieg and Marcelo A. Lopes
Graphic design and photography: Gustavo Bicalho
PR: Cid Borges
Media agency: Artesanal Produções
Production Staff:
Production manager: Henrique Gonçalves
Producers: Evandro Rius and Marta Paiva
Year of production: Artesanal Cia. de Teatro/2004

There are no excesses; the creative simplicity is the central pillar not only of the perfectly designed set and its appropriate props, but also of the costumes, to which the actors integrate, creating a live body.

Carlos Augusto Nazareth / JORNAL DO BRASIL - Critique/Review