
One of the outstanding characteristics of Artesanal is the artistic quality of its performances, which makes the group an reference in what is produced for children and young adults.


With a refined aesthetic accuracy, intelligent dramaturgy and carefully crafted productions, Artesanal presents an authorial work, capable of pleasing the public of all ages.


The Company is both a national and an international reference, with stints at several international theater festivals in Brazil, touring in China and artistic residency / season in Germany.


The sense of responsibility this group has to the culture and the arts, reflects their concern not only to successfully carry out dramaturgy, but also to bring the puppets to life with delicate and perfect movements in order to enchant both children and adults.

Débora Pinto Alves Viana / Executive Manager of the SESI-SP Cultural

Each performance is more flawless than the other, and all are treated with the finest dramaturgy in every part of the play. This means that the paths taken by “Artesanal Cia. De Teatro”, which led them to victorious researches in every artistic style, were not their only challenges.

Karen Acioly / Director and Playwright/Founder and Director of the FIL - International Language Exchange Festival

Artesanal Cia. de Teatro became one of the best theatrical group in Rio de Janeiro to cater to a younger audience. First, they skyrocketed in all of Brazil, later overseas, and now they are an international and timeless icon for excellence in children’s theatre.

Carlos Augusto Nazareth / Playwright, Director, Theater Critic Jury of the Coca-Cola Award and Zilka Sallaberry Award

As I watched each scene, I was enthralled with such delicate handling of the puppets, with the actors’ precise interpretation, with the amazing lighting that encompassed the beautiful stage set, the beautiful costume; everything was sharp and clean. And in a lapse of reality, I asked myself - where did these people come from? At the end of the performance, I found the answer to my question. I discovered the amazing and tireless work of “Artesanal Cia. de Teatro”.

Luiza Jorge / Coordinator of the São Paulo Award to Encourage Children's and Young people's Theater

In fact, the plays produced by Artesanal is for children and adults; it’s for those with good taste, exquisite sensitivity and for those who value a beautiful theatrical performance, regardless of their age. This is how it has always been throughout “Artesanal’s” career, which has earned them countless well-deserved awards.

Gilberto Bartholo / Theatrical Critic – Theater representes me

Tatá - the pillow
When people walk in circles

Our repertoire